Authorities arrested a man who they believe fired a shot at a police officer outside of an Inland Empire casino early Tuesday morning.
It happened at around 2:05 a.m., when the off-duty Irvine Police Department officer reported witnessing a Nissan Altima “driving erratically” near Jamboree Road and Barranca Parkway, according to a press release from IPD.
“Thinking the driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the officer continued to follow the vehicle while on-duty IPD officers were attempting to catch up to their location,” the release said.
He followed the car until it exited the Edinger off-ramp, heading east towards Irvine Center Drive and Harvard Avenue, police said. As the off-duty officer exited the same off-ramp, the suspect turned their car around and drove the wrong way in lanes to confront him.
During the confrontation, the off-duty officer says that he saw movement, indicating there was possibly a passenger in the front seat of the car. At the same time, the suspect began to yell obscenities, the release said. In order to avoid further confrontation, the officer left the area, traveling eastbound over Harvard Avenue, according to the release.
The suspect followed, allegedly swerving towards the officer’s car.
“As the officer passed Hearthstone on Irvine Center Drive, he heard what sounded like a gunshot and saw the Nissan complete a U-turn and drive in the opposite direction,” the release said.
On-duty officers who arrived to the area were unable to find the suspect, but they found a shell casing in the intersection where the off-duty officer reported hearing gunfire.
Investigators were able to identify 27-year-old Solomon Cottrell as the suspect.
They tracked the Nissan to the Pechanga casino in Riverside County,” the release said. “With the help of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, Colltrell was found in the driver’s seat of the Nissan at the casino parking structure and taken into custody.”
The female passenger of the car was briefly detained but released, police said.
Officers found a firearm inside of the car, which they say matched the caliber of the casing they recovered in Irvine. Cottrell was booked for attempted murder and transported to Orange County where he was jailed.
No further information was provided.