In a shocking turn of events that merges the worlds of reality television and alleged crime, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Borgio, a prominent figure in the Mexican casino industry, has accused model Aleska Génesis and her sister Michell Roxana of stealing approximately $1 million in luxury watches. The accusations emerged following Aleska’s recent arrest on March 10, 2025, after she was eliminated from the reality show ‘La Casa de los Famosos,’ prompting a whirlwind of media attention and public interest.

Rodríguez Borgio, known as the ‘Zar de los Casinos,’ detailed his claims during an interview with reporter Jordi Martin on the Univision show ‘El gordo y la flaca.’ He asserted, “Entraron a mi casa. Michell vivió conmigo. Colecciono relojes y agarraron los más caros y se los llevaron. Se robaron un millón de dólares. Son ladronas totales” (They entered my house. Michell lived with me. I collect watches and they took the most expensive ones. They stole one million dollars. They are complete thieves.). His allegations painted a vivid picture of betrayal, as he stated that Michell had lived with him and conspired with Aleska.

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