HLAI Charities, the charitable arm of the Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois will hold its first Casino Night on Friday, April 11, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., at the Hubbard Inn, 110 W. Hubbard. As you will note from the accompanying poster, the dress code is “Dress to Impress – 007 Style.” Is that how the kids these days say “Black Tie”?

Tickets for the event are $100 each ($75 for HLAI members, $50 for law students). Tickets (and sponsorship opportunities, from $500 to $1,500) are available at this page of the HLAI website. (N.B.: I make no warranties — but I strongly suspect that the sponsors will welcome you to the event even if you don’t own a tuxedo or rent one for the occasion.)

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