It is a time of unrest.

It is a season of divisiveness and hostility with many differences and much uncertainty. I would even say a time of crisis.

I don’t believe that political persuasion matters, as I think we can all agree we are more divided than ever.

Technology is both lifting us up and driving us apart.

Also tearing at the threads of our local community is the gaming industry. Many (including the mayor of New Haven) call bringing a casino to our community an opportunity, but an opportunity for what? There is no doubt that a casino will bring in tourism and money, but what else?

I am deeply opposed to a casino for many reasons, including my faith background, my choice of employment, and the future of my children and community.

Faith: Recently on social media, I saw a comment: “The people opposing (the casino) are all Bible Thumping Boomers.” While that made me laugh at first, the longer I processed it, the more I became concerned.

Yes, a majority of those in opposition believe in the Bible, but should that surprise people? We are a deeply faith-centered community, and a casino brings many things people of faith are very concerned about. Addiction more than doubles, home foreclosures increase, domestic violence rises, human trafficking thrives, and the overall economic vitality of the community declines.

Why bash those of us with a faith background? Think about all those of faith contribute. We run and fund homeless shelters, addiction ministries, food banks, counseling centers, youth programs, fitness centers, adoption agencies, medical programs and many other advocacy organizations.

If those of faith oppose something, maybe we see something that is awry. If nothing else, the strain on our community will be highly felt by those in the faith community at a time when many service ministries are already stretched thin.

Employment: I am employed by a faith-based addictions program and am also a licensed clinical addiction counselor. I believe this gives me insight to say that a casino will be an utter devastation to our families and ultimately to our community.

Addiction already robs families of so much — their loved ones’ physical health, the family’s mental and relational health, and the family’s well-being. And we want to add a casino?

How does one destroy a family or community? By heaping on greater social and financial burdens. A casino will do just that, and who will pay for the increased services (counseling, housing, support, etc.) needed as a result? The city, and ultimately the taxpayers of this great region.

Children: My wife and I have three kids. We love our kids and want them to thrive. Anything that threatens our family is a threat that I take seriously.

Human trafficking targets communities with casinos. This is a statistic that should make every member of our community concerned. Prostitution, sex crimes and child sex crimes rise in a community where casinos thrive. These risks make the casino a hard pass for me.

Community: Statistics say that northeast Indiana is one of the greatest places in America to live. Our population is growing, our talent is staying, and our cities are booming. Many of us call this region home, and we love our community.

Sen. Andy Zay has been tapped to sponsor the casino bill. I have reached out to him but have not received a response.

Why is Zay sponsoring something that will affect New Haven and Fort Wayne in such a negative way? I consider the senator a friend and have spoken alongside him on several occasions. This choice doesn’t seem to line up with his values, at least the values he ran on. He can back out of this.

Other local legislators are opposed, including Sen. Tyler Johnson and Rep. David Heine.

Our community matters greatly to me, and I hope it does to you as well. Please join me in stepping up to stop this movement, and please reach out to our political leaders to share your concerns.

Contact Sen. Andy Zay:

200 W. Washington St.

Indianapolis, IN 46204


Contact New Haven Mayor Steve McMichael:

815 Lincoln Highway E.

New Haven, IN 46774


As we battle the forces destroying our community, a casino doesn’t have to be one of them.

Philosopher Edmund Burke stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Let’s not let evil triumph in our community. Stand with me in saying no to this needless monstrosity.

Brandon Bower is founder and director of The Lighthouse.

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