A new bill could legalize South Carolina’s first casino, potentially reshaping the state’s economy.

The proposed legislation, titled the “I-95 Economic and Education Stimulus Act,” would establish the South Carolina Gaming Commission to oversee the awarding of casino licenses in rural and economically distressed areas along Interstate 95 (I-95).

While the bill acknowledges that casino gambling may not be suitable for all South Carolina communities, it emphasizes that the industry could bring jobs and economic growth to the targeted areas along I-95.

The Santee Development Corporation has proposed that the state’s first casino be built in Orangeburg County, at the site of the abandoned Santee Mall Outlet.

According to Santee Development, the construction of the casino could generate or support:

  • Over $75 million in annual tax revenue
  • 2,925 direct jobs, 813 indirect jobs, and 880 induced jobs
  • More than 4 million annual visitors, including many from out-of-state
  • A one-time employment impact of 6,926 workers, $404.3 million in labor income, and $1 billion in total spending (during the initial construction phase)
  • Benefits for local businesses, including recreation, hotels, restaurants, and small enterprises

What do you think? Do you support the legalization of casino gambling in South Carolina?

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